
Our Values

We believe in respect, diversity and being non-judgmental through our interactions with youth, their families, our partners and each other.

We believe in creating the space for youth to identify their needs and desires. We support and encourage unique solutions for each youth we support.

We believe supporting youth takes the whole community to be involved. We value our partnerships that connect youth to life long supports and to their neighbourhoods and community.

We believe in seeking out change to improve our work with youth and their families.


Offering housing and individualized supports that move youth toward successful independence.

Community Vision

Youth are defining and achieving their success.

Organization Vision

 All youth we support see their potential and find success

French Languages

French Language Services are available under the French Language Services Act


The Inn of Windsor is licensed and funded for twelve beds in the Residential Program and 15 beds in the SALT Program under the Child and Family Services Act of the Province of Ontario, and is supervised by the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Donations are greatly appreciated.
Charitable Registration Number - 108084765RR0001 

Complaint Procedure

Click here to download a copy of the complaint handling procedure.


Click here to download a copy of our brochure.

History of The Inn of Windsor

theinnhouse2.jpgIn 1961 a service group of women was formed to do street work with young women who were alone and in need of services. Six years later a steering committee from this work was formed to consider establishing a permanent home for young women age 16 years to 25 years who were experiencing difficulties in their life.

After much hard work on March 25, 1969, the first resident was admitted to The Inn of Windsor at 1687 Wyandotte East. Windsor. The Inn housed 12 young females ages 16 to 25 years of age. Over the years the age range was reduced to service females ages 13-17.

In 1985 The Residential Centres Program was launched providing two apartments (6 beds) supervised independent living program for homeless unemployed youth. From this initiative the Supportive Apartment Living Transition (SALT) Program was developed serving 15 young adults (male and female) 16-21 years of age.

The Inn of Windsor has been in existence for over 50 years and is a Provincially funded Not for Profit Organization supported under the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. Today The Inn of Windsor provides two programs to meet the needs of adolescents and young adults ages 13 up to age 21 years.

DIRECTOR 1 – 1968 – 1994 - Irene Girard

DIRECTOR 2 – 1994 – 2006 - Randi Pickering

DIRECTOR 3 - 2006 – Present - Sherri Lebert